Sunday, August 05, 2007

Where Did They Go?

Last year there were so many friends, so many people that said "we'll be here, we'll be here for whatever you need."

I can recall, sitting on the front porch telling Mason that everyone who said they'd be around, wouldn't. I'm really sorry that I was right. But, I'm not surprised. Look, everyone has to get on with their lives, I completely understand that. Mason doesn't quite get that yet. I know she will someday.

While I know that Jenny was important, her influence is diminished now that she's passed away. I knew that everyone who was here for us in the early moments would eventually fall back into their routine. I tried to be prepared for that, but it is difficult not hearing from Jenny's lifelong friends. I know they are thinking of her, but Mason would love note or an email, just to be sure.

A friend of mine asked me today..."Have you found a girlfriend?"

I can't even begin to think about that. Jenny was my one true love. I love her and can't imagine loving anyone else. I can't think of anyone other than Jenny. I still love her so much. I miss her. Without her I am lost. I don't know what to do.

Like tonight, most nights, I can't sleep. I just lie awake and think about what needs to be done. I try to accomplish daily and weekly goals, but I constantly miss Jenny. She should still be here. We were supposed to do this together. I'm not meant to do this alone.


Lana said...

Dearest Matt & Mason...
I want you to know that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about you and your loss of Jenny. I will always be there for you, but of course, that is what family is for. I know this time is very difficult and the why doesn't ever seem to get answered. Friends come and go but you can rest assured that your family will always be there for you. I know that we aren't as close as we once were, but you will always be my number one son and the love I have for you will never be diminished. I can come anytime you want...all you have to do is ask. I'm so sorry that we seemed to have lost our way through the years but know that you are loved and cherished.


Linda said...

Dear Matt and Mason,
What your mom said goes for us too!
Ditto! Ditto! Ditto!

You were the first one we loved, and we still love you, and think of you all the time!

Aunt Linda and Uncle Vern