Thursday, August 30, 2007

IKON Lunch

Last Friday I went out to lunch with a few of my old friends from IKON. We all met at the Clubhouse in Oak Brook for a meal, but we got a lot of good old conversation. Sure we ate, but seeing these guys again was better than the food (and the food was good).

Tom put it all together. It was great seeing all of them; Tom, Dan, Roger and Steve - we missed Roger K., hopefully he'll be able to make the next one. It appears that everyone is doing great, IKON/Chicago was made up of a really great group of people. We worked hard and played hard - and we all survived. I think Jenny would be proud of me, reconnecting with friends from my past.

It's been a few years since we all worked together. But, it felt like just another lunch with buddies from work. I think we all had a great time and have committed to do it again in a few months (next time I'll bring a camera). Hopefully, our numbers will be a little larger. Maybe some of the people we talked about will be there ;-) Stay tuned...

Max & Mason

1 comment:

Tom Pollard said...


I can tell you that I had a great time and it was great to see everyone again. We will make this a quarterly event as it was way too long for all of us not to get together. If there are others that you would like to invite send them my email address and I will make sure that I add them to the email distribution list.

I'll talk to you later.