Monday, February 11, 2008

Whoooaaaa! Ouch!

Tonight the snow started to come down just in time for the drive home. I handled the treacherous traffic with no problems, but when it comes to walking,, that's a different story.

It was about time to leave for Mason's dance class, so I decided to go start the car and let it warm up a bit. There was some new snow - and that is really slippery when it's covering a thin layer of ice that had accumulated on the last step on the front porch (how? I have no idea, since it didn't get over 10*F today). After I got over the shock and the pain in my butt, I realized my watch was no longer on my wrist - I found it, a little worse for wear, on a pile of snow.
Indestructible...I Guess Not.

The watch must have caught the edge of the step and the weight and force of my fall, slid the watch up my wrist - removing a little skin along the way - before the band couldn't take it anymore. Oh, well - I haven't written anything on the blog in a while...
OUCH! (insert your expletive here)

Sure will be glad when Spring gets here.

~ Max


Lana said...

Ouch. I'm glad you didn't break your arm, leg or hip. I hope the weather turns warm soon. You have had a miserable winter but spring is just around the corner.

Love you


Phil said...

Tis merely a scratch. Glad that you are ok.

Phil said...

Ooops I forgot to say that I hope that this video brings a smile to your face. My family has been going through a rough winter also. You are not alone and we (Tesa and I) are thinking of you also.

Max & Mason said...

Oh yeah, love that scene. I know we're not alone with the weather - I'm wishing it to go away for everyone =) Hey, on the bright side, no tornadoes here.