Saturday, March 15, 2008

Spring is Welcome Here

The only snow to be found are the mounds left in the parking lots of Home Depot and Target - Mason calls them "glaciers" and they do sorta look like glaciers.

Thursday, Mason took Daisy for a walk and took some nice photos. I really liked the one of the melting snowman.

Good Riddance

It was considerably colder today than the past couple (we had a high of 52 yesterday). Today it's about 36 degrees F and I can only hope that we've seen the last of winter.

I've finally decided to "let go" of a lot of stuff. You know the "stuff", items that haven't been touched for the past umpteen years. Things that have been moved in boxes several times but never opened. Jenny's old clothes and furniture that only meant something to her. I'm ordering a dumpster this week and plan to start some serious Spring cleaning. I plan to donate many items to charity and particularly animal and women's shelters here in the area. I'll also be selling some things on Ebay. The goal is to get the house in shape to sell it this summer. I've probably held on a little too long, but now I think I'm ready to move on. Mason will be disappointed. That will be difficult to deal with, but I'll manage. I'm just doing the best I can.

~ Max

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