Saturday, March 08, 2008

17 Years Ago

Today would have been our 17th wedding anniversary. Jenny and I always liked it when the anniversary fell on a Saturday; we could spend the whole day together and then go out for a nice quiet dinner. We were married on a Friday, but hey, we were in Mexico =D.

Just Married!

Newly Weds

The Ladies
I found some more pictures that need to be scanned and uploaded, so I'll probably do a little of that this afternoon. Other than that, not much going on.

I miss her as much today as I ever have.


justem said...

Sending you out some hugs this day Max. Happy Anniversary.

Linda said...

I'm sorry I didn't send a post yesterday. It was quite a week for us. G'ma G fell last Sat. They think she has a small fracture in a bone in her pelvis, so she was with us for the week. Aunt Othie and Aunt Arleta came to help put her in a nursing home on Friday. She went without any problems, in fact quite contently. I hope if and when I need to go, I'll go like she really, I'll go fighting to the end! :D

Arleta got her apt. cleaned out, and yesterday we were there to get the furniture out and distributed to those who wanted/needed it.

In the midst of this, I've had many, many episodes of my TN, and today, we even stayed home from church. They hurt so much.

Anyway, I wanted to send you hugs too. I know you miss Jenny, and memories don't really bring the warmth of those arms. Our thoughts and prayers go with you, honey. We love you so much!

Aunt Linda and Uncle Vern