Friday, December 22, 2006

Happy Holidays

Mason and I are busy getting ready for Christmas. I really don't know how Jenny did it! The cleaning lady came just last week, can't tell today. The dining room table is covered with cards, letters, presents yet to be wrapped and all kinds of wrapping supplies.

Mason has done a great job stepping up and handling the wrapping chores. I'm not very skilled, while she's nearly a "Wrap" Master ;-)

I finally got our Holiday letter sent out. Normally, Jenny would have that done within a week of Thanksgiving, true to form, I got it done just after the mailing deadline. If I forgot someone, I apologize. I either don't have your address, or don't have it in one of three places. Jenny actually kept a book back to 1996 that has notes about everyone we ever sent a card to and everyone we got a card from - that was my master list. Of course, she did it all manually and I had to put all of the information into a database. If I tried to write them all by hand, everyone after letter number six would be returned to sender because my handwriting would deteriorate so much. I really appreciate the fact that Mason stayed on top of me and "encouraged" me to get the letters done and mailed. I'm also grateful for Thomas, Julia, Martha, Lena and Vicky for helping me fold and stuff envelopes in order to get them all done.

We'll be spending Christmas Eve with our friends the McNeills and the Elseys - it's a tradition that started way before I came into the picture, Mason and I are truly lucky to be included in their festivities.

Mason and I wish you and your families a joyous holiday season and a prosperous 2007!

For all of you who are fans of Jack Bauer and 24 on FOX, click this link to see how Santa would handle a sticky situation the "24" way.


Linda said...

Just read your entry today. I'm glad you got your letters done. We got ours yesterday. It is snowing here again today. Not as much as Denver had, but we are getting some!

We hope you will have a fun day tomorrow. Did you get our gift?

We love you.

Linda & Vern

Max & Mason said...

Thanks Aunt Linda. We got your gift, will put it to good use soon. We haven't had snow for about a month (I'm not complaining).